Meet the pluplush pirate crew! This crew is known all over the deepest waters of the world and into the farthest corners of the continents. They are the only pirate crew left but that doesn't bother them as they continue their search for a lost and hidden treasure.
The captain of this colorful group calls Little John Silver. It is said that he might be the little cousin of long John Silver. His goal is to find a lost treasure that is hidden somewhere in this world.
The crew's first mate is One Eyed Clyde. He is in charge for keeping the peace on board of their ship. He is also a great worker since he can use all his tentacles to do a lot of stuff at the same time.
Ogilvie Crabtree is the second mate on the ship. He has to keep sure that the ship is heading in the right direction and he navigates the ship through the most dangerous waters. He mostly spends his days in the crow's nest since he can't do much around the ship. Why you ask? Because his red claws cut every wire he holds.
And last but not least we have chef cook André pistolet on the ship. He's in charge of the kitchen and the food for everyone on the ship because a real pirate needs a good meal to fill his stomach. (I heard that his desserts are to die for!)
This crew is font of adventure and would even go to the farthest places on earth to look earth to look for the lost treasure. Do you want to help them?

Little John Silver
One eyed Clyde
Ogilvie Crabtree
André Pistolet
So if you want to order one of these you get:
- 1 pluplush: approx. 4,5 cm (1,77 inch) in height and 5 cm (1.96 inch) in width. The pluplush is made out of clay which i sand, paint and polish
- The small objects shown in the picture of the pluplush of your choice (for example, little John Silver comes with a detachable hat and sword) These objects are made out of clay which i sand, paint and polish.
- 1 cute box where everything comes in
Costs € 11,99 / 16,86 U.S. dollars
Costs € 11,99 / 16,86 U.S. dollars
If you decided to buy a pluplush I'm very grateful! :D
I'm sure it will have a wonderful home <3
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